8 Ways to Tackle Spring Cleaning

It's April, and you know what that means: Spring is here! And that means it's time for a deep clean. Yes, spring cleaning is a chore. It's a bummer. If it was any fun, it wouldn't be something we dreaded doing all year. But there are ways to make it less taxing and more rewarding. No, really.

Here are the top tips for getting your house spring clean this year and possibly even enjoying yourself along the way.

    1. Make it a joint effort.You can do all the spring cleaning yourself and end up exhausted and resentful, or you can get your significant other (or maybe even a kind friend) involved in the process. Splitting up the tasks and having someone to talk to will make it easier and cut the cleaning time down.
    2. Bring on the fun.
      Is it going to be a party? Probably not. But you can make it less painful. Get a dance party going with the dust mop. Reminisce over the photo albums you find. It may take a little longer, but you'll have some laughs along the way.
    3. Bring in the experts.
      Whether you are on a regular schedule of deep cleaning or it's been a while, now is the perfect time to get things like carpets and hard surfaces really clean. Bring in a company like Zerorez®, which uses ZR WATER™, an enhanced water that's electrolyzed and oxidized to create a powerful cleaning solution. This patented technology is safer, greener, and can leave hard surfaces like countertops, natural stone, and linoleum sanitized. You can also use Zerorez to deep clean throw rugs and carpets.

  1. Turn spring cleaning into a treasure hunt.
    A great way to get your kids involved in the cleaning is to turn it into a game. Make a list of items for them to find and cross off as they are cleaning under the bed or in their closets. If a prize is involved, they're bound to want to help.
  2. Think safety.
    Built-up dirt and grime can actually be doing harm to your home and your family. Using Zerorez to clean hard and soft surfaces eliminates the dirt as well as the toxic chemicals many people hate about deep cleaning. Zerorez is safer to use because it has no soap, detergents, or solvents. In fact, it's so safe that you can drink it, just like KFI's Bill handle did!
  3. Manage your expectations.
    What may look like a one-day job can actually require an entire weekend—with follow-up next week. Make a list of tasks and number them in order of importance. Still feeling pressured? Remember the deadline is yours to set and to keep. And everything is better with music.
  4. Make a clean break.
    Stuff that's been hanging around your garage for years could be stressing you out without you knowing it. Clutter creates chaos. This year, make a three-part plan to get rid of it:
    • List it: Snap some pictures and put it up on eBay or Craigslist.
    • Have a garage sale: Everything else can be set out on the lawn. Prepare for early birds and expect haggling over your $50 dining room chairs.
    • Donate: Giving anything that doesn't sell to charity will makes everyone's day. Anything you donate is a tax writeoff, so get a receipt.
  5. Get on a regular schedule.
    Once you've finished your spring cleaning, it's a good idea to make a schedule for the next year. Plan out and mark on your calendar when you need to clean your gutters, change out your filters, have your dryer vent cleaned, and deep clean your carpets, rugs, and hard surfaces again with Zerorez.


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