Are You Considering Getting Your Tile and Grout Cleaned?

The grout lines between your tiles can easily become stained and dirty looking with regular use. Not only is this just unsightly, but it can also be a health hazard as dirt and dust can accumulate over time and lead to the growth of mold and mildew. For the best results, it's recommended to have your tile and grout cleaned on a regular basis - at least every 12-18 months.

Bathroom Tile

Bathrooms are often full of tile. That tile can become gross and dirty very easily because of all the moisture that it is exposed to on a daily basis. Showering, bathing, and even just washing your hands can create a breeding ground for bacteria and other contaminants that can cause skin irritation or even illness. Not only that but tile and grout can get discolored or stained from spilled hair care products like shampoo and conditioner.

Kitchen Tile & Grout

Tile in your kitchen is exposed to all kinds of grease and stains on a daily basis because of the cooking, cleaning, and eating that goes on there. Additionally, kitchens, in general, have a lot more foot traffic than any other room in the house, so kitchen tile gets dirty very fast. What your kitchen tile and grout need is a simple green cleaner that is safe for your family, children, pets, and the environment.

For more information about grout and signs of grout failure, click here!

Tile and Grout Cleaning

Grout is a type of cement that forms a barrier between the tile and is used as a mortar. In most cases, grout consists of two parts: cement and sand or some other fly ash filler material. Grout is a porous material that can easily become stained and dirty looking with regular use. Not only is this just unsightly, but it can also be a health hazard as dirt and dust can accumulate over time and lead to the growth of mold and mildew.

It's very difficult to clean all the grout lines on your own. It would take you literally hours to clean all of your grout properly, and there is always the risk of making errors in the dark corners of your floor. Additionally, cleaning tile grout on your own can be dangerous if you're not using proper equipment like knee pads or masks while cleaning grout with chemicals. If you are wondering how to clean grout, it is best to call your local grout cleaning professionals at Zerorez® Austin.

Zerorez Tile and Grout Cleaning

If you are looking for the best tile grout cleaner, Zerorez is here to save the day! When you need to restore your floor's natural beauty, don't pick up a bucket of grout cleaning solution and get down on all fours. Save yourself a knee replacement and contact Zerorez Austin! Zerorez knows the best way to keep your bathroom tile clean. We use green technology and our proprietary Zrā„¢ Water, which cleans more powerfully than soaps or chemicals and uses no harsh chemicals. Your floors won't be dulled down like they are after mopping with detergents or soap & water alone. Instead, Zerorez will restore the color back to your tile! Schedule today with Zerorez Austin for the best grout cleaner and green cleaning!


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