Why Does My Cat Pee on My Carpet?

When I adopted Johnnie, he didn't know how to use the litter box. I spent the first few days training him to obey key commands such as sleep, come, eat, poop, and pee. One day, Johnnie peed on my bed. From my experience, I know it can be heartbreaking if your cat suddenly changes and pees on the carpet. Why do cats pee on carpet instead of litter box?

Cats pee on (new) carpets and tiles instead of the litter box for many reasons, including medical problems, stress or anxiety, a smelly or hard-to-reach litter box, behavioral issues, an improperly cleaned carpet, too many pets but few litter boxes, or a change in litter box type.

Keep reading as I explore these issues and how to stop cats from peeing on carpets for good.

black and brown cat on cream carpet looking into a basket

Do Cats Pee on Carpet for Attention?

No! Cats don't pee on the carpet for attention. There are likely underlying health issues, or they are stressed, anxious, or simply marking their territory.

Why Does My Cat Pee on My Carpet?

Here are the possible reasons for your cat peeing on your carpet.

Medical Problems

Injury, chronic pain, cystitis, and diseases associated with excessive urine production, such as diabetes and kidney diseases, cause cats to pee on the carpet instead of the litter box.

Urinary tract disorders accompanied by urinary blockage, inflammation, crystals, or stones cause cats to wee on carpets.

Arthritis makes it difficult for cats to use litter boxes with high sides or a cover; they pee on the carpet due to stiff and painful joints.

Before concluding that the cat is sick, look for other signs, such as being reluctant to eat or play, sleeping or resting more often than usual, and wanting to stay indoors while you and other pets are outdoors.

Other major signs of being ill include meowing or straining when peeing, blood in the urine, leaving pee puddles outside the litter box, throwing up, and passing little or no urine.

Contact your veterinarian immediately or book an appointment.

Stress and Anxiety

Stressed or anxious cats are more likely to suffer from feline idiopathic cystitis, which affects at least 2 - 4% of cats globally.

Causes of anxiety and stress disorders in cats include:

  • Torture by other pets.

  • Changes in the environment.

  • Loud noise from fireworks and storms.

  • Pain due to underlying health issues such as arthritis.

Stressed or anxious cats want to pee on the carpet because that's where they feel more comfortable and safe. They feel safe because the carpet or rug smells more like you.

A Hard to Reach or Smelly Litter Box

Cats have a higher sense of smell than humans, so what may look clean or odor-free may be dirty. Cats often stay away from scented or dirty litter boxes. Avoid perfuming the litter box and keep it clean by scoping it once a day. If you have many cats, buy several litter boxes. Each cat should have one or two litter boxes. There should also be an extra litter box if one cat chooses not to use her own or finds it dirty.

New or Inaccessible Litter Box

Unless it's necessary, avoid a different type of litter box if your cat is comfortable with the previous make.

Aged and sick cats prefer not to use litter boxes with high sides or covers due to their age or aching bodies.

If the substrate in the litter box is too hard for their little paws, they'll prefer the carpet over the litter. If your cat slides around because of how deep the litter is, she will pee on the carpet.

Placing litter boxes in a comfortable, noise-free place where cats can easily access them without being disturbed by noise, people, and other pets is vital in ensuring they use them instead of peeing on carpets.

An Improperly Cleaned Carpet

Failure to get rid of cat pee odor out of the carpet when cleaning makes the cat think that that's her territory and will pee there repeatedly.

Using effective cleaning products to remove cat pee and odor is non-negotiable. Experts such as Zerorez® will clean and treat pet odors, making it difficult for your cat to identify where she peed last on the carpet.


When a fight starts between your cat and other pets, your cat may want to re-establish her territory and spray on the carpet, mostly near the door or wall.

Cats also spray when a new cat or a stranger is in the house, there is a change in routine, there is a storm, they need to mate, or family members harass them.

Male cats mostly start spraying at five months.

Don't punish the cat; that only worsens the problem. Address the trigger to make your cat feel comfortable.


Old cats, for example, those aged ten years and above, may have trouble jumping into their litter boxes due to achy joints or other health-related issues. Buy a litter tray for your aged cats to help them pee without struggle or joint pain.

Past Bad Experience

Suppose your cat has had a bad experience, such as being punished, given medication, experiencing pain when peeing or passing feces, or being chased or frightened by another pet or child while using the litter box. She will want to stay away from that area!

Changing the litter box's location, sometimes even buying a different type, would help her forget the bad memories of the previous litter box/tray or its position.

Brown and black cat in whicker basket in table on white carpet

What to Do with Cat That Stops Using Litter Box and Pees on Carpet

Are you wondering how to keep cat from peeing on carpet to use the litter box? Find effective solutions below.

  • Place treats on the carpet: A cat won't pee near his treats or food, so he avoids peeing on the carpet if that's where the litter box is!

  • Keep his litter box clean: Cats don't like peeing on dirty litter boxes. Opt for self-cleaning litter boxes or clean the ordinary ones at least once daily.

  • Make the litter box easily accessible: Kittens, seniors, and unwell cats hate walking to the basement and other far areas to pee. Have several litter boxes, all easily accessible, so your cats use the nearest one.

  • Regular health check-ups: Taking your pet to the vet regularly may help identify underlying issues, such as urinary problems at their initial stages.

  • Buy comfortable cat litter boxes: Small litter boxes increase the chances of accidents. Uncovered litter boxes are often spacious and more convenient for your cat, making it easy for her to turn around and relieve herself.

  • Professional carpet cleaning by Zerorez: DIY carpet cleaning may not effectively eliminate odors from previous accidents, making the cat think the previous spot he peed on the carpet is his actual place to pee. He will pee there again and again until you correctly clean your carpet. Let Zerorez help with that at an affordable cost.

  • Move the litter box: If something scary happens around the litter box, your cat will be scared of going around that place. Move the litter box to make your cat feel secure.

  • Retrain your cat and offer a treat when he uses the litter box correctly: Retraining is essential if you have left your cat with a family friend who doesn't care much about where she pees. Retrain her so that she starts using the litter box correctly again.

Why Does My Cat Poop in the Litter Box but Pees on the Carpet?

Don't discipline your poor cat for peeing on the carpet; find out why and how to stop cat from peeing on carpet/rug.

Litter Shortage

Cats use litter to bury their waste. If there's insufficient litter, it will be soaked with pee, making her feel uncomfortable burying it. She will prefer pooping in the litter box but pee on your carpet.

Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses such as bladder stones, urinary tract infections, and other related urinary problems may make your cat lose control of her bladder and wee anywhere, including on the carpet.

Insufficient Litter Boxes

If the litter box is in the farthest corner of your house or the basement, your cat might lose control of her bladder before she accesses it. Have at least two litter boxes for your cat. Ensure one is easily accessible; preferably, place it where she prefers peeing. If there are many cats, ensure clean litter boxes (two for each cat), plus an extra one.

Why Do Cats Pee on NEW Carpet?

If your cat only started peeing on the carpet after you brought in a new one, there are two major reasons for it:

Presence of the Odor of Another Cat

If you buy a second-hand carpet with an odor of another cat's urine, your cat will want to pee in the same spot. That carpet wasn't professionally cleaned and could harbor more bacteria. Cat pee may be easy to clean, but fixing the odor isn't as easy, so hiring professionals who can offer a more thorough cleaning service beyond the surface is paramount. Contact Zerorez to help clean that carpet thoroughly to stop your cat from peeing on it.

Marking Their Territory

Once your cats notice a new carpet, they want to mark their territories. The best way to do that is by peeing or spraying on it!

Will a Cat That Pees on Carpet Pee on Tile?

A cat that pees on carpet may or may not pee on tile. What if the cat's urine penetrated the tile when the cat peed on the carpet? Once you remove the carpet, the tile will retain the odor unless you clean it correctly.

Your cat will pee in that same spot because of the odor.

If your cat is unwell, for example, has diabetes, she may pee on the tile if she doesn't have quick access to a litterbox or hers is dirty. You should have at least three litterboxes if your cat is unwell to make it possible for her to use the nearest when she needs to pee quickly.

If your cat sprays on the tile, she will pee on it repeatedly until the surface is thoroughly cleaned.

Tiles may not be as comfortable as the carpet, though some cats may opt not to pee there.

Why Is My Cat Peeing on the Floor All of a Sudden?

If your cat suddenly starts peeing on the floor, there are various reasons behind it:

  • The presence of a guest makes your cat feel uncomfortable.

  • There's a new pet at home.

  • There are underlying health problems

  • There's too much noise

  • There are dirty, new, few, or inaccessible litter boxes

  • Your cat is aged

  • There are territorial disputes among your pets

  • Routine changes

  • Fear of the outdoors

brown and black cat walking on white carpet

What Scent Deters Cats From Peeing?

Rosemary, peppermint, lemon, orange, citronella, white vinegar, and lavender scents deter cats from peeing on carpets, tiles, or gardens.

These scents and plants do not harm cats; don't worry about their health.

Each cat is unique; a scent that deters one cat from peeing may not deter another. Try each scent and see what works for your cat or stray cat.

Remember, a domesticated cat's sense of smell is 9 to 16 times stronger than a human's. The number of odor-sensitive cells in their noses is approximately 45 to 200 million, exceeding humans', only 10 million.

With such a high sense of smell, what smells good for you might be too strong for your cat to bear, effectively deterring her from peeing in scented areas.

Be careful; essential oils can stain carpets! Test them on a hidden carpet spot to ensure they won't mess up your carpet.

What Is the Best Homemade Spray to Stop Cats From Peeing?

The best homemade spray for cats should have a strong scent but should be made of natural products to safeguard the cat's health.

Use garlic, citrus oil and peels, pepper, vinegar, and citronella to make a spray to stop cats from peeing.

Combine any of the ingredients below to make a spray to stop cats from peeing on carpets, tiles, or gardens.

Don't use plastic bottles for essential oil spray because they degrade them quickly.

Shake the bottle thoroughly to ensure water and essential oils mix well before spraying.

If you want to use your homemade spray on a carpet, test it on a hard-to-see area to ensure it works without causing damage.

Lemon, Pepper, and Garlic Cat Repellent

  • Water, 50ml

  • Black pepper, 1 teaspoon/2 g

  • Lemon essential oil, 3 to 4 drops

  • Dry mustard, 1 teaspoon (2 g)

  • Garlic, 1 crushed clove

  • Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon (3 g)

Essential Oil Cat-Repellent Ingredients

  • Water, 50ml

  • Wild orange essential oil, 2 drops

  • Lemon essential oil, 2 drops

  • Lavender essential oil, 2 drops

Vinegar Cat Repellent

  • Water, 1 part

  • Liquid hand soap, 1 part

  • White vinegar, 1 part

Citronella Oil Cat Repellent

  • Water, Ā¾ cup/177 ml

  • Citronella oil, 20 drops

Citrus Cat Repellent

  • Water (2 cups/473 ml)

  • Lemon-scented dish soap

  • Lime, orange, tangerine, and/or lemon peels 96 g/1 cup

  • Lemon juice 2 teaspoons/10 ml

How to Make the Citrus Cat Repellant Spray

  • Add water into a pot and boil it

  • Add the citrus peels (lime, orange, tangerine) and then simmer for 20 minutes.

  • Once the solution begins to boil, lower the heat and let it boil for 20 minutes.

  • Take the pot off the heat and allow it to cool completely

  • Strain the citrus peels out of the solution and add the liquid into a spray bottle

Why Do Cats Pee in the Same Area on Carpet After You Clean It

Not properly cleaning your carpet is the number one reason for your cat peeing on the carpet after cleaning it if there are no other issues, such as underlying medical complications.

A poorly cleaned carpet retains the cat pee odor, which attracts your cat's attention, causing her to pee there repeatedly.

Proper cat pee cleaning and pet odor treatment help completely fix this problem and create a healthy and pleasant environment for you and your pet.

Why Choose Zerorez for Cat Pee Cleaning?

  • We offer Residue Free® cleaning services.

  • Our cleaning team knows what to use for every carpet type, stain removal, and odor treatment. Zerorez® doesn't guarantee the removal of ALL stains. Some stains may be impossible to fix due to the type of carpet fiber or the age of the stain/carpet.

  • We don't use fragrances to cover pet pee; we fix the real problem!

  • We treat pets' odors deep within the fibers, not just the carpet surfaces.

  • Past customers' reviews confirm our services are excellence

  • Our cleaning products are safe for you and your pets.

Contact the nearest franchise location to be part of our happy and satisfied clients.

Schedule a service online or call us at 866-937-6739 for a professional carpet cleaning service.

zerorez carpet technician holding a brown and black cat

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