3 Ways to Remove Gum from Carpet

Few things drive a home or business owner crazier than finding a lump of gum in your beautiful carpeting. Hard to remove, and often a sticky mess, gum and carpet just do not mix. But, fear not! If you've got a sticky situation on your hands, learning how to get gum out of carpet is a fairly simple process.

Freeze it out!

Freezing the gum that's stuck in your carpet is probably the simplest of all the methods available to the homeowner. Though not as effective for deeper or older stains, a quick treatment of ice can work wonders on fresh gum. Immediately upon discovering the mess, apply a bag of ice or a cold pack from the freezer directly to the affected area. Place a clean, dry towel on top of the ice pack to help insulate and retain the cold air. Allow the ice to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Once the gum has frozen, scrape gently with a tablespoon or butter knife until removed. Repeat the process as needed. Once complete, simply treat and clean the area as you would any normal stain.

Grease it out!

As gum is exposed to the air, it begins to harden and form in place. By applying a greasy substance such as WD-40 or its edible alternative, peanut butter, you may be able to loosen and remove the gum from your carpet. Simply coat the area, wait a few minutes, and begin to remove with a gentle edge such as a spoon. Using grease to remove gum can be quite effective, though it does leave a bit of a mess which must be removed as well. Be sure to avoid using rubbing alcohol and other harsh cleaners when removing the grease as it may damage the carpet-backing.

Clean it out!

When in doubt, let the pros clean it out! A professional carpet cleaning from our team at Zerorez® can resolve, without a doubt, any gum that may remain entangled in the fibers of your favorite weave. By using Zrā„¢ Water (a chemical-free alternative to harsh solvents), Zerorez is able to restore your plush carpet to good as new condition without leaving a soapy residue behind. Those with commercial and retail spaces or active homes may want to consider using a carpet protector to prevent issues from occurring in the future.

When looking for a commercial or residential carpet cleaning service here in Nevada, look no further than the team of courteous professionals we have at Zerorez. Proudly serving the Henderson area for over a decade, Zerorez has a reputation you can rely on and service you can trust. Be sure to contact us for all your carpet cleaning needs today!

Click here to find out the Dangers of Cleaning an Area Rug Yourself.


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