Best Carpet Cleaner: 6 Ways To Ruin Your Carpet

When you hire the best carpet cleaner, Zerorez®, you can be sure that you're getting carpet care that will extend the life of your carpeting. If you haven't tried our patented Zrā„¢ Water cleaning technology, then you don't know what a difference it can make when it comes to having clean carpeting throughout your home. If you've tried some other type of steam cleaning method or you're a do-it-yourself carpet cleaner, here are 6 mistakes you could be making that will shorten the life of your carpeting:

1 - Scrubbing Too Hard

Scrubbing a stain on your carpet too vigorously will do two things, neither of which is remove the stain: it will push the stain deeper into the carpet and it will damage the carpet. Scrubbing destroys carpet fibers because it untwists them and causes them to fray. It's much safer to use a blotting method for stains.

2 - Waiting Too Long

The longer you wait to remove a stain, the harder it will be to remove. If you let a wet spill dry, you're essentially allowing the liquid to soak into the carpet fibers and be absorbed by the padding. This can lead to wicking, which is when the stain that has settled into the padding works its way back up the carpet fibers. Not only does this mean more and more cleaning of the same spot, it can also lead to mold growth.

3 - Using The Wrong Cleaning Product

When you use the wrong cleaning solution on your carpeting, you could be permanently damaging or discoloring your carpeting. Just because a product says it's safe for your carpets, that doesn't mean you shouldn't read more about it online to find out if it actually is safe. You should also be sure to follow all of the cleaner's instructions to ensure that it works the way it's supposed to. One of the most important tips many cleaning products offer is to use the solution first on a small section of carpeting that isn't out in the open to make sure that it doesn't discolor or damage it.

4 - Using A Deodorizing Powder

While carpet deodorizers in powder form can have the short-term effect of making your carpets smell fresher, they can build up over time and leave a thick, gunky residue that even the strongest vacuum can't suck up.

5 - Not Having Your Carpeting Professionally-Cleaned

Having your carpeting professionally-cleaned at least once every 12 to 18 months by the best carpet cleaner in Las Vegas, NV, Zerorez, will extend the life of your carpets. Not only does professional carpet cleaning also ensure that your carpeting stays under warranty, it promotes a cleaner indoor environment.

6 - Renting A Carpet Cleaning Machine

Renting a carpet cleaning machine from the supermarket can seem like a practical alternative to professional cleaning; but the fact is that these units are only as good as the user. Because you're not a carpet cleaning professional and you're not trained in the use of the machine you're renting, there's a good chance that you'll do more harm than good. Using these machines incorrectly can lead to excessive moisture in your carpeting that not only attracts more dirt but that can cause mold to grow on your carpeting and padding.

Avoid mistakes that can ruin your carpeting by calling the best carpet cleaner in Las Vegas, NV, Zerorez, at (702) 567-0016. You can also visit to find out more about our cleaning system.

Click here for Summertime Carpet Cleaning Tips!


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