How to Get Urine Out of Grout Around Toilet

Bathroom accidents are a universal problem, especially for parents with incontinent pets or a five-year-old who isn't great at aiming. They can be frustrating, especially if the urine stain turns black or cat urine smells foul. Knowing how to get urine out of grout around the toilet is essential because grout is mostly white, making it hard to hide the stain.

Harsh products result in failing grout. Extended exposure to moisture softens grout, making it break apart.

You can DIY, but rather than risk damaging your grout and spending more than you intended to save, hire grout cleaning professionals to help you.

We shall guide you through if you still want to DIY!

stained grout on white tile

How to Get Urine Out of Grout Around Toilet

Here's what you need to get urine out of the grout around the toilet.

  • Enzyme cleaner

  • Rough sponge

  • Grout brush

  • Blacklight (for old pet pee stains)

  • Gloves

The procedure of getting urine out of the grout around the toilet

  • Blot the urine with paper towels or a clean rug

  • Spray an enzyme cleaner such as Nature's Miracle or Angry Orange Stain Remover on the stained grout.

  • If you're using Angry Orange Stain Remover, let it sit on the affected area for 5 minutes (religiously follow the instructions on the label; each cleaner has unique instructions).

  • Scrub using a grout brush or a rough-textured sponge to remove urine stains from grout.

  • Rinse

  • If the pee odor or stain is still there, repeat.

When getting urine out of grout around the toilet, there are several things to remember and serious grout mistakes to avoid.

  • Don't let urine sit on the grout too long; it soaks into its porous surface. If possible, wipe the surface immediately when the pet or baby pees on it.

  • When using commercial grout cleaners, follow the manufacturer's cleaning instructions. Don't let commercial cleaners sit on the grout too long; they may dissolve it.

  • Avoid using bleach cleaners. Bleach doesn't remove urine stains or odors—it damages grout (and tiles). When the chlorine in bleach mixes with ammonia, your grout will have a rotting odor.

  • Use enzyme cleaners designed for grout - they retain the grout's original color. Enzyme cleaners break down uric acid, proteins, and other molecules found in urine. These molecule-breaking enzymes effectively remove urine odor by neutralizing it at its source. You can also use enzyme cleaners to get rid of cat pee out of carpets. Nature's Miracle is an example of a grout enzyme cleaner.

  • After cleaning and allowing the area to dry completely, seal the grout to protect it from future accidents.

How to Get Urine Smell Out of Tile Grout

Tile grout absorbs urine because it is porous. When urine dries, it gives an ammonia-like odor due to uric acid crystals. The odor is stronger during warm days, making it unbearable.

Follow the steps below to get the urine smell out of tile grout.

  • For old stains, turn off the lights and use a backlight to trace the areas or urine-causing smell.

  • Mark any spots that glow; they're the odor-causing surfaces.

  • Properly ventilate the room.

  • Clean the marked areas using an enzyme urine odor cleaner such as Urine B-Gone and allow it to air dry for the recommended time.

  • Run fans to allow good airflow to prevent moisture lingering, resulting in odor-causing uric acid crystals reactivation.

  • Spray grout sealant over the tile grout to prevent urine from soaking into and staining the porous tile grout.

  • Let the sealant dry overnight, and apply a second coat the next day.

  • Re-seal tile grout around the toilet annually to protect it

White toilet on white tile in bathroom

How to Get Cat Urine Smell Out of Grout

When your cat pees on the carpet, urine quickly penetrates and soaks into the grout. This makes cleaning cat urine in grout or eliminating its odor difficult and time-consuming.

Using bleach to clean cat urine creates dangerous gasses because of ammonia. Use OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover, an enzyme cleaner.


  • Fill a basin with about 5 liters of warm or hot (not boiling) water. Increase or decrease the quantity according to the size of the area you're cleaning.

  • Fill the provided scoop to Line 2 using OxiClean™ and add it to the water.

  • Use a long-handled spoon to stir until the cleaner dissolves completely.

  • Spray a generous amount on the grout and allow it to sit for 5 minutes or 1 hour for old stain odor.

  • Use a sponge to clean the grout

  • Fill a bucket with cold water and thoroughly rinse the surface

How to Get Dog Urine Out of Grout

Dog pee, like cat pee, is difficult to deal with once it dries. After drying, it makes grout darker, making white and other bright grout easy to notice.

Use an enzyme cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle Advanced Stain Eliminator (don't dilute), to get rid of the stain and odor. When you fix the dog's urine odor, you also stop your dog from peeing there again! It's a win-win situation.

The procedure of Getting Dog Urine Out of Grout

  • Soak excess dog urine using a sponge. Avoid using pressure, as grout will soak the urine, making it harder to fix. Let the surface air dry for about 24 hours.

  • Spray Nature's Miracle cleaner to saturate the grout and scrub using a grout brush for one minute to help the product penetrate to eliminate dog pee odor

  • Allow the cleaner to sit for 15 minutes or 24 hours for stained grout. As the cleaner air dries, the dog pee odor fades.

  • If the stain and odor are still present after 24 hours, reapply the cleaner and cover with plastic to keep the affected area damp. If you must use an opaque cover, inspect the area often to ensure mold and mildew don't grow, resulting in yellowing grout.

Conventional or Professional Tile Grout Cleaning: Which Is Better?

Continuous pee odor in conventional or commercial toilets indicates that the pee penetrated the tile grout deeply. Cleaning such tile grout to eliminate the urine or odor is tricky; hire professional cleaners.

Zerorez® cleans all types of grout, including epoxy, unsanded, cement, sanded, urethane, and more!

We clean around toilets and other areas such as islands and countertops, fireplaces, showers (floors and walls), mudrooms, entryways, backsplashes, and floors if they're not too loose, damaged, or cracked.

Contact us today to get urine out of the grout around the toilet.

zerorez cleaning tool for grout on tile

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