How Professional Suede Cleaners Clean Couches

Many people find DIY suede cleaning tricky, especially when dealing with spills, scratches, and scuffs. Suede is made from animal skin and lasts longer than other fibers. It is delicate to clean yet requires regular maintenance.

Professional suede cleaning is the best option due to the fabric's smooth feel and porous structure, which make it highly prone to smears or scuffs. A professional suede couch cleaner like Zerorez® uses the right cleaning products to help restore its appearance without breaking the bank.

This write-up explains the benefits of hiring a professional and why you should avoid DIY methods on how to clean suede couches.

Professional Suede Cleaning

Natural suede requires a different cleaning approach than synthetic suede. Natural suede, for example, is difficult to clean because it is porous. Faux suede is more resistant to stains and is easy to clean and maintain.

A professional suede cleaner can easily distinguish between the two fabrics and, based on the stains or level of soiling, determine the best cleaning method to use on your couch or suede chair.

Picture of a dark gray suede couch in a dark black-painted room with a Christmas tree black and white pillow on it

How to Clean Dirt off Suede Professionally

Below are the steps experts follow to clean dirt off suede professionally:

Step 1: Check the Cleaning Instructions on Your Suede Furniture

Every suede couch has cleaning instructions that a professional or a DIYer must follow. Manufacturers use codes or symbols to help cleaners use correct cleaning methods to prevent suede damage.

Here are the suede cleaning codes:

  • S: Only cleaned using a special solvent; water stains it.
  • W: Water-based cleaning solution.
  • S-W: You can use a solvent or water.
  • X: Avoid liquids when cleaning; vacuum clean.

An expert determines the best cleaning method based on the suede's cleaning code.

Step 2: Vacuum Clean the Suede

Vacuum the suede couch to remove grime and dirt. It's vital to remove the cushions so that you can vacuum every area of the couch before cleaning. At Zerorez®, we require that you vacuum clean your couch. We will take care of the rest professionally!

Step 3: Brush the Suede

A soft suede brush (or suede stone) helps rub or apply mechanical action to remove light stains from suede couches.

Step 4: Mix the Cleaning Solution

For suede couches with W and S-W cleaning codes, a professional mixes warm water with several drops of mild dish soap, applies it to the brush, and then uses it to remove stains. Adding 1 tsp. of white vinegar or baking soda helps neutralize odors.

For S-labeled couches, experts use rubbing alcohol instead of water and a vacuum cleaner on the X-labeled couches.

Step 5: Spot Test Suede

Suede couches are delicate, so an expert must spot-check before applying the solution to the entire couch.

The wrong use of cleaning solution could result in texture damage, change or loss of color, or puckering. A spot check involves applying the cleaning solution to a hidden area to test the results. If the results are satisfying, the cleaning process begins.

Step 6: Spot Clean Suede

When a suede couch becomes wet, it becomes darker, making stains difficult to spot. Professionals spot-clean stained areas in a circular motion using a white sponge or towel before dampening the whole couch with the cleaning solution.

Step 7: Blot the Suede

After spot cleaning, the entire couch is sprayed with the cleaning solution and then blotted using a dry cloth to remove moisture. Then, it is placed in a well-ventilated room to dry.

Step 8: Rub the Suede

After drying, restore the couch's smooth and cozy feel by rubbing it using a soft suede brush.

little boy in tan sweatsuit playing with a toy Zerorez van on a dirty suede couch that need professional suede cleaning

How Professional Suede Cleaners Save You Money and Effort

You may try saving money you have by DIYing, only to lose more by damaging your suede couch. A professional suede cleaner saves you effort, time, and money in the following ways.

High Level of Expertise

Experts are trained to deal with every kind of suede stain and have the tools and products to ensure the suede is clean and restored to its original state.

They also have the necessary expertise to repair any suede damage, saving you the trouble of replacing your coach after only a few years of usage.

Lower Possibility of Damage

Using detergent and water to clean some suede couches could result in rings, stains, or damage that might require replacing or repairing the couch.

Instead of counting losses, hire a professional to repair your couch and remove dirt, mud, or stubborn stains.

A simple Google search will lead you to the best professional suede cleaners near me. Before contacting a company, check out what past clients say about it.

The company will likely offer excellent services if 90% of the clients are impressed. The number of years they have been cleaning suede couches also matters. An established company has more experience than a new one.

Zerorez offers professional leather furniture cleaning in the United States, and we have various branches nationwide. We also offer other cleaning services such as whole home, area rug, and air duct cleaning.

Contact our highly skilled and knowledgeable customer care representatives for more details or book service online.

Book a Cleaning with Zerorez Today!