16 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for a Cleaner and Less Allergic Home
The hard truth is that no dog is 100% hypoallergenic. However, some dogs shed more and others less.
The dogs that shed less are considered to be hypoallergenic dogs.
Hypoallergenic dogs are good for people with allergy problems. Get a hypoallergenic dog if you want to keep your floor, couches, and clothes less hairy and your allergies in check.
Some of the most hypoallergenic dogs include:
- Poodles
- Bedlingtons
- Bichons
- Yorkies
- Wire-haired terriers
- American hairless terrier
- Airedale terrier
- Bichon
- Frise
- Aussiedoodle
- Lagotto Romagnolo
This article lists 16 small and large hypoallergenic dogs. Read on and choose the one that is easy to train and stay clean and fits your family's needs. Let's dive in.

What Is a Hypoallergenic Dog?
If you're allergic to dogs, you may suffer from wheezing, coughing, and itching if you live, work, or hang around one. Dogs that release fewer allergens are said to be hypoallergenic, making them ideal for people allergic to them.
All dog breeds possess allergens and trigger allergies through urine, skin, and saliva.
Here's how these three cause allergic reactions:
Pet Dander
Dander consists of tiny, often microscopic, flecks of skin shed by animals with fur or hair. These skin cells contain proteins to which some people are allergic. When a dog sheds its dander, these proteins can become airborne and cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Dog Saliva and Drool
Dogs groom themselves by licking their fur, depositing saliva that contains allergenic proteins onto their coat. When the saliva dries, it can become airborne along with dander and other particles, leading to allergic reactions.
Dog Urine
Dog urine can also contain allergenic proteins. When a dog urinates, these proteins may become airborne as the urine dries, leading to allergic reactions.
Hypoallergenic dogs have hair instead of fur. Most people use the terms "dog hair" and "dog fur" interchangeably when referring to the coat of dogs. However, there is a subtle difference between the two.
Dog Hair
Generally, "hair" refers to longer, coarser strands that grow from a specific point on the skin. Hair tends to grow continuously and can vary in texture and thickness depending on the breed of the dog.
Dog hair effectively traps dander. Dogs with hair coats shed less dander or skin, which is the dog's component that causes allergic reactions in most people.
Dog breeds with hair include Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, and Maltese.
Dog hair can be groomed and may require regular trimming to maintain a certain length.
Dog Fur
"Fur" typically refers to the shorter, denser coat that covers most breeds of dogs. Fur tends to shed seasonally and is often softer and thicker than hair.
Breeds with fur include Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Siberian Huskies.
Fur provides insulation and protection from the elements.
While both dog hair and fur can carry allergenic proteins in the form of dander, saliva, and urine, it's not the hair or fur itself that directly causes allergies but rather the proteins associated with these substances.

What Is the Most Hypoallergenic Dog?
As noted above, the most hypoallergenic dogs are those with hair coats, not fur. Hypoallergenic dogs shed much less than those with fur.
Below is a list of hypoallergenic dogs.

1. Yorkies
Yorkies are playful and affectionate dogs but also very bossy at times. They are comfortable living in big, warm homes or apartments. Due to their high grooming needs, these breeds are considered to be high-maintenance. So, are yorkies hypoallergenic?
Yes, Yorkies have a silky coat that barely sheds. They're less likely to trigger allergic symptoms in anyone as they don't spread much dander in your home.

2. Poodles
Poodles have a single, curly, dense coat in various colors, including gray, apricot, white, brown, and black. They're low shedders, hence hypoallergenic. Poodles' curly hair needs lots of care to ensure it doesn't tangle.
They're intelligent and cheerful dogs that love being in a household. They're friendly and great for companions. If you're allergic to double-coated dogs, get a poodle.
They have a life expectancy of 10 to 18 years. A standard poodle is 15 inches tall and weighs 40 to 70 pounds. A toy poodle is 10 inches tall and weighs 5 to 9 pounds. A miniature poodle is 10 to 15 inches tall and weighs 15 to 18 pounds.

3. Bedlingtons
If you're looking for a low-maintenance dog, consider Bedlingtons. They shed less. You can groom them only once a week and every six weeks for a professional look.
Bedlingtons have a lamb-like look and are highly active dogs. They have a high prey drive.
Though they shed less, you may have to clean your upholstery every other day if they visit your garden and rest on them because they love to dig. You may also want to vacuum your home often and hire a professional carpet cleaner after several months.

4. Bichons
Are you looking for a dog that will get along well with your cats and kids? Bichons are hypoallergenic, cheerful, and friendly. They're also highly intelligent and love pleasing their owners.
They love being at home with everyone else as they're prone to separation anxiety. They're vocal but easy to train if it's done at a tender age.
This breed has plenty of energy, so you must keep them engaged with games and other activities.

5. Wire-Haired Fox Terriers
Though some people are allergic to this breed, Wire-haired terriers are low shedders. They give off less dander, and you can use your hands to strip off their dead hair. We suggest you wear a mask when doing so.
Wire-haired terriers don't tolerate clumsy kids; they may need supervision around them. This breed loves walking and could be a great training companion.

6. American Hairless Terrier
The breed comes in two varieties: Hairless and coated. Each American Hairless Terrier breed requires minimal grooming. If you get the hairless variety, you only need to keep his ears clean and protect him from sunburn and cold weather.
The American Hairless Terrier is ideal for allergy sufferers. It is a playful, intelligent, and inquisitive dog that is highly protective of its owners.
This breed is brilliant, a great watchdog, and a great companion. He easily bonds with his family.

7. Airedale Terrier
Airedale Terriers have a short, wiry coat that sheds less, making them low-maintenance dogs. However, their coat is said to release dander, which may cause allergic reactions in some people. If you groom them monthly, they'll shed less and release less dander.
This breed tolerates children and other dogs well, especially when they grow together. They often distance themselves from strangers and may need training to socialize well with them.

8. Bichon Frise
Cheerful and friendly to cats and children, Bichon Frise is a relatively hypoallergenic dog. They shed little hair but require monthly grooming because the shed hair gets caught up under their undercoats. To prevent matting, brush the dog at least once a month.
This makes Bichon Frise high-maintenance hypoallergenic dogs because you must also often trim their nails.

9. Aussiedoodle
Aussiedoodles shed less and have wavy, curly, and shaggy locks. They're highly protective of their owners and love being active, so they're best for active families.
These dogs get along well with kids and will often snap alongside them.

10. Lagotto Romagnolo
Having a curly coat, Lagotto Romagnolo are hypoallergenic breeds. Clipping them at least 4 to 5 times annually keep them properly groomed.
Lagotto Romagnolo is an affectionate and great family breed. He loves curling up on sofas, so you may have to clean the sofas and carpet often, especially if he loves walking outside.

11. Afghan Hound
Many love Afghan hounds due to their flowing locks. They're low-shedding dogs. Their fine hair needs meticulous care and regular grooming because it can tangle and mat easily.
You need some expertise to give their hair the necessary care.
Afghan Hounds are great dogs for lonely people; they're loyal and form affectionate bonds with their owners.

12. Goldendoodle
Shedding less, Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic breeds. Their coat needs regular care as it mats easily. The longer the hair, the more you should brush his coat. Shorter hair needs less brushing, probably once every two weeks, unless you've adapted to a high-key lifestyle.
Goldendoodles are social and highly friendly, making them great family dogs. They vary in size and color.

13. Portuguese Water Dog
Commonly known as Porties, Portuguese water dogs don't shed much; they're hypoallergenic. They need regular grooming to keep their coats in good condition.
Groom your dog once weekly to separate and divide his hair. This will avoid matting and promote proper skin breathing. Regular baths are also necessary.
Portuguese water dogs are highly energetic and best for super active dog parents.

14. Irish Water Spaniel
Perfect for allergy sufferers, Irish Water Spaniel dogs release fewer allergens. To keep them neat and in good shape, brush their coat at least once a week and trim them once every two months.
Irish Water Spaniels are great family dogs because they're playful, but that also means that spills could happen anytime. Clean all spills quickly. Hire a professional to clean your upholstery annually or when need be to keep your home clean and allergen-free.

15. Barbet
Also known as the French water dog, barbets shed less, so most people with allergies live comfortably with them. They have long, curly hair that needs regular grooming.
These dogs are energetic, intelligent, and have a happy personality, making them a great companion for your family.

16. Maltese
As long as you have the expertise, necessary tools, and treatment for grooming pets, you'll love owning Maltese. They have long, flowing white hair that needs regular grooming but shed less, so they're great for people with allergy problems.
Are Golden Retrievers Hypoallergenic?
Golden retrievers often shed, so they are non-hypoallergenic. If you have allergy problems, avoid this breed and get any of the hypoallergenic dogs mentioned above.
Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic?
Shih Tzus shed less, so they may be great for people not allergic to dogs. Shih Tzus are among the clean dog breeds that help maintain a clean home.
Are Huskies Hypoallergenic?
Huskies top the list of dogs that shed heavily. They have a thick, double coat. The top coat is weather-resistant and sheds moderately all year round.
The undercoat is dense and heavily sheds twice a year. Since huskies aren't hypoallergenic, avoid them if you have allergy problems.
Are Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?
Pitbulls have short hair, but they aren't hypoallergenic. They shed their coat a bit, carry allergens in their coat, and drool a lot.
If you're allergic to pet dander, you're likely to sniff and have a runny nose if you live with a pitbull.

Zerorez®: Professional Pet Spot Cleaners!
Whether you have a hypoallergenic or a non-hypoallergenic dog, you still must clean your carpet, upholstery, and air ducts due to pet odor, dander, and urine stains.
Zerorez has a powerful pet spot and odor treatment and stain formula that removes stains without tearing the upholstery or carpet. We also have a deodorizer that eliminates odors.
Call us or schedule an appointment online and let's make sure you can enjoy your new dog, stress-free, as we take care of any spots, odors, hair, or dander they leave behind.